Three more shifts until the weekend. Three more shifts until the weekend. It’s been a long week so far. And the sleeps haven’t been top notch. The last couple of nights, I’d gently place my head on the pillow, and the next thing I know, Crystal is telling me that it’s time to get up.
Crystal thought she heard gunshots this morning. It’s a good chance that it possibly was. I thought someone was knocking on the door. But being a good big city boy, I just ignored it. It could’ve been gunshots, or maybe some roofers. I have no idea. Crystal is usually right, so I’ll say I heard gunshots too.

I just wanted to post this picture again. Why? Cause it’s like totes awesome. Plus it fills some space, because I don’t have fuck all else to talk about that. So I’ll drink my coffee l, and watch the news.
I think it’s Wednesday, so happy Wednesday!