And the beer I had for breakfast wasn’t bad – so I had one more for desert

It’s Sunday. I allowed myself to sleep in until 7:30 – I maybe could’ve slept longer. It was a good sleep. I needed it.

Yesterday was a good day. After a morning of internally freaking out, because I was solo in the store for the first time. At 1 minute before the store opened, I got a call. “ I want to pick up my chair, because I’m afraid with COVID, you guys will have to close soon. I’m an hour away, I’m leaving now.”

Cue the mini freak out.

After a phone call to the boss, (who I didn’t want to call) the chair was found and the customer left very happy. I could breathe again.

I put on Lite Rock 105 – New England’s Christmas station, and I even enjoyed all the commercials for places that I can remember. Oh oh oh O’Reily: Auto parts! Hahaha

The rest of the day was quiet. Had a couple customers come in and buy some little things. I got a lot of cleaning done, while cursing how slobby women can be. I did the dishes, cleaned the toilets, vacuumed, etc. I cleaned up emails – and got it down to 8 unread ones.

Finally it was time to go. But I couldn’t go home right away I had to go and pick up a free king size mattress from the warehouse that the boss was giving me. I had talked to my dad the night before about helping me build a bed frame for it.

The rest of the family had to go into BiggerTown, to hit up the Walmart for inexpensive cat supplies, and my grandmother surprised me with 90% of the wood that I’m going to need to build the frame, so when I get my first pay check, most of it will probably go to her.

So when they got back my dad sat down and started drawing up the blueprints for the bed. The basic bed frame should be done sometime this week. We’ll be working on it after dinner this week. I’m just happy I’ll be off a day bed. I’ll be able to stretch out.

Back to my coffee, and Assassin’s Creed on TV. Happy Sunday y’all!

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