And that’s where the hornet stung me and I had a feverish dream

Good morning everyone! We’re up wicked early, because we have to be in SlightlyBiggerTown for 8am to have the truck serviced. After the truck is completed, we’ll be doing our regular shopping run, and gathering other supplies as well.

Yesterday at work wasn’t too bad. Not too busy, not too slow. It was a nice change from Tuesday, when we had three trucks arrive when there was just two of us to deal with them. I managed to mostly remember everything, minus boxing the cigarettes up until after we were closed. A minor thing.

But right now, I have both cats on my lap. They’re gonna be pissed when after I hit send in this post, I’ll be getting up for more coffee, and to get dressed. Chaucer is re-adjusting, and getting more comfortable.

I hope y’all have a great Friyay! More coffee for everyone!

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