And she was far from in-between, it was summertime in northern Michigan

Good morning everyone! Welcome to Saturday. It hasn’t started to snow yet. But it’s coming.

Update: the snow has disappeared from the forecast!

Oh happy day!

No snow! No snow!

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday afternoon. It was busy, but still workable with 2 people. We managed to get everything finished as we walked out the door. I almost floated out the door, knowing that I have the next 48 hours off. People would ask what I was going to do. I laughed and said, “oh you know, laundry, grocery shopping, etc”. I’m such a social butterfly.

Pippin just climbed up on my lap and has snuggled in for a little while. At least until I’m done with this post, and I get up to get more coffee.

So yeah, it’ll be a good weekend. In a few hours, we’ll head to SlightlyBiggerTown for supplies, and then back to the Flat for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, we’ll be doing chores, and then over to Shady Acres for my father’s birthday.

Monday? Let’s not talk about Monday.

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