And love is only one fine star away

Well we’re almost there! What day is it? That’s right, it’s HUMP DAY! I woke up this morning, and the snow is still on the ground. I was hoping it was a fever dream or something. But, alas (earwax), it was not.

I just heard a riveting story on how my grandmother found a pair of gloves on the sidewalk in front of her retirement condo, and put up notices and talked to just about everyone in the building, and no one said they lost a pair. So she kept them. And still has them. And, fun fact, is wearing them today.

Her and my mom are currently at the medical clinic for them to get some blood drawn I think. They’ll be back in about a half hour. But until then, sweet silence. Just me, my coffee, and the local morning news.

I’m in the final stretch of The Historian. It’s getting good, and there’s a chance that I won’t make the third Book Club, because I’ll be done. I think I have about 250 pages left.

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