And I saddle up my horse and I ride into the city

Good morning! So far it’s a bright and sunny morning. But according, to my weather app, it’s supposed to rain for most of the day. Hopefully, it won’t. But you never know here in the prairies.

I took my mom to the rodeo yesterday. Being better prepared, we arrived about 20 minutes before it started. We found some seats and settled in to watch.

We had a blast. The announcer was really good, explaining what the next event would be, and telling us what the cowboys would be doing.

Let’s just say – wow! These events moved so fast, at times it was hard to keep up. Especially the barrel racers. Each run was finished in seconds. So crazy!

It didn’t even feel like 3 hours to be honest. It was just pure clean fun.

I can’t wait to take Crystal to a rodeo. I think she’d have a blast. The only downfall that I noticed, there was no place to buy a souvenir. I wanted a cool hat or a t-shirt.

Other than that, it was a blast!

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