And I offer you my soul you ask if I’ll grow to be a wise man

Good morning. I slept in. Last night was night to be in the bedroom with Chaucer. He really didn’t want to stay in the bedroom. Around 3 or 4 he really wanted to get out of the bedroom. I got up and did the bathroom thing and I would put Chaucer back on the bed, and give him lots of pets.

Around 6ish, I don’t really know the exact time, I woke up and the door was open. Which freaked me out because I know I closed it when I got back from the bathroom. I heard some growling. I shot out of bed, but saw Crystal standing there, and I flipped back to bed to pass out.

I woke up at like 7:41 or so, so of course I feel like I slept the morning away. It’s currently a stand off in the living room. Chaucer on one side, and Pippin on the other.

Good morning everyone!! Get some coffee, we’ll need it this morning!!

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