And he takes her by her slender waist

Awake! Well, I’ve been awake on and off since about 6am. I’d open my eyes, and see the time. Then a little later, I’d do the same thing. All the way up to when the alarm went off. That’s fun, right. Well, not really. But it is what it is.

Happy Wednesday. The middle of the week. The one day of the week that’s less popular that Thursday. But Wednesday it is. Hump day.

Coffee has been brewed and the lanai has be shovelled as well. The next time I go out I’ll do the other part of the walkway. I thought it was going to snow more. Each snow fall so far has been a slight disappointment. According to the weather app, we’re supposed to get 100mm of snow today. But I’ll believe it when I’m shovelling it.

The coffee tastes pretty good this morning. Nice and warm. The kittens are stalking around here, hoping for a lap to snuggle in on. Maybe shortly that’ll happen. Pippin was snuggled in between us when I first woke up this morning, but she did hop back up on the bed to play the morning game of catch the foot or the fingers. We play it before bed too. It’s very cute.

Ok, let’s get Wednesday started! Happy hump day!

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