All right, stop whatcha doin’ ’cause I’m about to ruin

Alright, this is where I’m supposed to wax poetic on yesterday. Yesterday was very very warm. I realized what the weather reminds me of – August. It’s not supposed to be this humid this early in the spring/summer season. Something tells me that it’s going to be a very warm, and possibly very wet summer. If the weather stays the same, basically as it is now, it’s gonna be a soggy summer. I hope not, but it could happen. But according to the weather app, there’s a 40% chance of a thunderstorm today. However, the rest of the forecast is clear. No other thunderstorms in the futurecast.

Good morning everyone! It’s a bright and sun shiny day out there. The humidity is starting to creep up again, along with the warmth. It’s gonna be a warm-ass day. Thankfully, I have lots of short, and maybe I’ll play up the Florida license plate, and wear the 4th of July shirt today! Lol I don’t think SlightlyBiggerTown would be ready for that. Yep, we’re going into town to grab some coffee, cereal, and weed.

Today will be the maiden voyage of Toaster 2: Electric Boogaloo. In a few hours, I’ll help tidy up the living room, then we’ll unleash Toaster 2. Crystal says the reviews are nothing but great ones, so I think Toaster 2 will kick some ass.

So yeah, that’s the day today. Nothing major, but should still be a nice day. It looks like a great day for a drive. Nice and clear and just a slight breeze. Let’s grab today by the balls! Happy Saturday!

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