Welcome to Worcester, that’ll be a dollar twenty five, pa.
Anyways, here I am. I worked 10ish hours today at work. It wasn’t too bad. It was busyish in the morning, but it slowed down during the day. BossLady will be slowly adding overtime to everyone, as she’s totally tired of working it all herself. I told her I would take some, but I’d rather have it built in to my schedule, as I’m not a fan, and rarely volunteer for overtime.
I am happy to be home. And I get to do it all over again tomorrow morning. But without the overtime. The day should go relatively quickly, I hope. I have a small project that I started to this afternoon, that I’ll try and finish tomorrow.

Other than that, nothing much has been happening. Crystal got her LED Leviwand, and has been introducing herself to it, and she’s been flowing. And dancing, she’s been playing Just Dance in the mornings, and she seems to be having a lot of fun with it. That’s all that matters.
I’ve still be playing No Man’s Sky. I’ve been having fun with it. I have no idea if I’m advancing the story line or not. But I’m still having fun.