A licky boom boom down

Welcome to week one of Full Dark, No Stars for the Lockup Library Book Club. It’s been an insanely busy week here, between working on the farm, or watching the elections, I haven’t had too much of a chance to read. I got a good chunk of the story finished. Although I’m not quite there, I’m ready to talk a little about it.

It’s a classic story. Husband, wife, and kid. Wife inherits land. She wants to sell it and move to the city. Husband doesn’t want to leave his farm that’s been in his family for a couple generations. So he kills her with the help of his son.

That’s when things get a little strange.

Rats. Rats everywhere.

Then the bad things start to happen.

For me, Stephen King can be hit or miss. If I like the book I really like it. If I don’t, I’ll stop and close the book. I’ve only read a few of his short stories. This is a really good story. Full disclosure; Crystal and I watched the Netflix movie, so I didn’t go in too blind. But when King gets down to it, he’s amazing at describing settings, and slowly building up terror, or just general uneasiness in his stories. I can’t wait to see how it ends.

What are your thoughts on 1922? Are you enjoying it? Freaking you out? Indifferent? Gimme your thoughts!

Next up in the book: Big Driver. See you next weekend!

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