3/27/20 – 3/28/20


Hiya sexy!

Another Friday, another depressing fish that never swam dinner. If I was smart I’d be calling you while all the phones are free but then I’d be on a time frame because lock-in starts soon. But if I can get there as soon as we’re released, I can chat before medline. Wow this pen is terrible, but there’s still a lot of ink left in it. I really can’t wait to call you. I need to hear your voice, to hear you say you love me. To hear you say it’s gonna be alright. I hope it will be.

I don’t know why I’m so tired, but have no interest in napping. It doesn’t even cross my mind after lunch, and if it does, I forget about it right away. I think I’m emotionally exhausted, mentally tired as well.

But goddamn it, I’m gonna be happy! I will not be weak, not today. Not on

Rex Manning Day!

I love you so much baby 💗

Did you notice? I’m trying to write neater, so it’s easier to read. I can get pretty messy. Awesome chat tonight, as always. I wish I could come back with GPS. Even if only for a little while. I’m scared, and pretty excited for the future. More scared than anything else. FYI, when I leave here, I’m bringing you a prison spork. You can pack it in your lunch! I love you so much. I loved hearing Mal tonight. I miss his meows a lot. Even though they can get annoying. I miss the kitty snuggles. I really miss making love with you. I miss feeling you REDACTED. I miss your breasts.

It’s 9:55, and I’m going to try to stay up until 10:30, we’ll see if that’s possible. But I’ll let you go now. I hope you have an excellent sleep with tones of kitty snuggles. I’m going to dream of you and I camping. I love you so much. Sweet dreams my love. I’ll write more tomorrow 💗

Good morning! Weird dreams all night. I made it until 10:23 last night and passed out, little bit of a lite sleep, or I was dreaming of having a light sleep. Now there’s something to think about!

Once again, the highlight of breakfast was the coffee. And the blueberry muffin. I really like the taste of artificial blueberry. It’s so yummy! Now just waiting for the TVs to be turned on, so we can hear the latest orona news. Day 36, and no “ma nigga” yet. Will keep you updated.

Shower taken, room cleaned, lotion applied. CNN watched. Let’s start the day. Ok, now what? Haha. Oh, also, laundry taken out. Let’s see how much they lose this time. The book I’m reading about the virus, so formulaic it’s not funny. I’m about 1/2 way through it.

I’m def sleeping better with the 75 mg of Benadryl, so I think I’ll stick with it. Solid sleep is good. I really do feel a lot better when I wake up. I hope you have a kickass workout this morning, squat city, I’m sure! I’ve been thinking about the releases1 you were talking about last night. I’m sure it’s not federal ICE detainees that they’re releasing. But it’s an amazing fantasy to daydream about. I’m sure 1/2 the guys in here would have those GPS bracelets off in 10 min and disappear.
I love you so much.

I feel like I slept well last night, but it’s barely after 10, and I’m sleepy. Nap or coffee? That’s the question before me. I’m leaning toward nap. Gotta save the coffee for the mornings when I need it most. I’ll try and nap till lock-in and see how I feel.

I had to get up and write this not 3 minutes after I laid down. Bosnia is in the common area watching MTV. Sucker for you is on, and lemme tell you, Bosnia is no Jonas brother. Wow, and I thought I was a terrible singer. Oh god, now it’s a Drake song. I believe that he’s criminally tone deaf. It’s very funny. Annd… now I can’t sleep. But it’s all good.

I love you so very much. I’m gonna try and hold out until tomorrow to call you. We’ll see how I do this afternoon and evening. Who knows, I may really want to call you. I may need to call and hear your voice. But maybe I’ll call tomorrow when it’s raining. So far today is too nice to be sitting and talking to me.

1 when covid-19 starting shutting down and stopping visits to nursing homes, hospitals, and prisons, several state prisons were releasing low-risk inmates on house arrest.

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