Glaciers melting in the dead of night

Hello world.

Good morning, greetings and salutations. It’s a dark Sunday morning here in TinyTown. The coffee is brewing, and we’re awake, but not liking it this morning. After almost a week of setting the alarm for 4:30, it sure is nice to sleep in until 7. I had gotten up around 5, I think to go to the bathroom. I thought to myself, it’s gonna suck to reset the alarm for 4:30 tonight. And I was sad about it, until my mind told me, fool! You have Monday off! Rejoice! Rejoice! I did, and went back to sleep.

In an effort to just be “in the moment” with Crystal, I didn’t play any video games yesterday. I tried to watch an interesting documentary on an abandoned town in Massachusetts. I didn’t make it all the way, and went into the bedroom for a lay down. Even with that hour and a half nap, I passed right out at the normal bed time.


I guess I needed the sleep.

Today will be a little bit the same. Except it’s chore day, which I’ll start in a little while. But it’ll be a lazy day here. Then this afternoon, we’ll be off to Shady Acres for dinner. Nothing major. But that’s later on this afternoon, so currently, it’s not even on the radar yet.

What is on the radar – coffee.

So I hope y’all have a great Sunday. It shouldn’t be too chilly out there. A little windy this afternoon, and possibly some sun peeking out before sunset.