Now shoutout the radio station that gave you what you wanted

Hey hey. Tired Shawshank here today. One of the other employees gave a weeks notice, and so I’ve been forced to better myself at work. I’m now learning to be a key-holder. Yay. So I got the basics this morning. I’ll have to be on my A game tomorrow.

I slept pretty ok last night. I think I only opened my eyes once, around 4. I was overjoyed that I had another half an hour to sleep. And sleep I did. With weird dreams. We’ve been watching The Midnight Club on Netflix, because I want something mindless, yet also fun to watch – and I’m struggling to get through the last half of the last season of Supernatural. I mean how many time can these assholes actually come back from the dead? Way too many times, if you ask me. I think It’s starting to affect my dreams. Nothing scary or anything like that, just weird.

I don’t think there’s too much to do tonight. Crystal is making beef stroganoff for dinner tonight. That’ll be yumtastic for sure. I think though for a snack, I’ll just have a couple of slices of bread and butter. But that’ll have to wait until Chaucer gets up off my lap.