Those fishing lures thrown in the cold and clean

The call of the alarm clock was loud and clear this morning. It didn’t need to be. I was up around five, and got up to go to the bathroom. I came back in and fell back asleep. It was a light slightly tossy turny. It was a light sleep for the last two hours.

And now, here we are. Coffee in hand.

It wasn’t a bad sleep, mind you. Just too short, and of course the waking up early, only to wake up a couple hours later.

We have stuff to do this morning. I figure around 10, we’ll get up and make our way to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries, lunch, and anything else we need. I actually have a list. Hopefully, I won’t forget it like the last couple of weeks.

Date night was good. As usual we got there at just the right time. We placed our order, and within minutes two more tables filled up, and suddenly there was orders for about 5 pounds of wings. The food was, like always, very good. We ate, and then came home.

Just a typical Friyay afternoon.

Back to work tomorrow morning. The store is closed, but just about all of us will be there, for inventory. Not going over to Shady Acres this weekend, my dad is still sickly, and my mom is very stressed about that. My dad turns into a huge baby when sick. I’d rather not go over. So we’re not.

Chores and brunch on Monday, I might do a load of sweaters this afternoon after our outing.