That’s great! It starts with an earthquake

Oooh, look, a post coming at you in the morning! That only means one thing- I’m working a non opening shift this fine day. I think that the wind has finally wound down again. We’ll see if the day will be nicer than the previous days. I haven’t looked at the weather app yet. At this point, I’m a little afraid too.

Sleep came easy, so did waking up. I was up a couple of times. I think once around midnight? I’m not too sure. I do know I was up around 5, and took advantage of that, and got up to go to the bathroom. I crawled back into bed, tired to snuggle, and quickly fell back asleep until the alarm went off.

The cats have been fed, coffee brewed, and all is right so far in this dark world. Is winter over? Heck no. I think, and this is totally non scientific, that we have at least two more cold snaps before this winter finally releases her grip on us. So yeah, this is just the calm before the store. Winter is coming.

But yeah, that’s about it. After I post this, I’ll look at the weather app, and get the real scoop on the temps. Ok, let’s do this…