Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

Good morning friends. We’re almost at the end of the week. Only a couple of more days until the weekend.

We’re up and just ready to go here. Chaucer has already done his throw up his breakfast, and Pippin is just simply doing Pippin things. It’s cute, except for the throwing up bit. Thanks Chaucer.

This is probably gonna be a short post this morning as I do have a bit of a time crunch to try and get everything accomplished before I go. I have found out, that I’m not too excited about the mid shifts. They’re ok, but it’s no first or closing shift. But I’ll make it through the day, and then get ready for the final push tomorrow.

I haven’t been scheduled for any weekend shifts all month. That’s great, and at this point I don’t want to rock the boat, and say anything. So shhh!

Ok I need coffee etc. happy Thursday y’all I hope it’ll be a good one for you!