And she said, “mom, I got a note here from the Harper Valley PTA”

We were woken up to the dulcet sounds of a kitty rave. Yep, Chaucer got sick this morning on the floor on Crystal’s side. So yeah, good morning everyone.

Well, it’s Thursday I believe. It’s gray and cool outside. The coffee has been brewed, and I have Chaucer curled up on my lap. I think he’s trying to apologize for what he did this morning.

Work has been busy. We’re gearing up for a giant sale. The giant sale that we had going on is over, and all the prices are being reset and a new pricing subsystem is in place. We’re moving a whole bunch of stuff all over the place. More of the same today.

I got home last night and some amazing fajitas were almost ready to eat. They were really good, I had a second helping. I did manage not to be a fat ass and saved some for lunch today. And maybe tomorrow if I’m lucky.

So I think it’s going to be more of the same m, so hopefully the day will go quickly again. I’m excited for the long weekend. I had asked Crystal if she wanted her corn bread stuffing, and she said yes. We’ll be making some Saturday evening. And we’ll bring some over for Thanksgiving.

I need more coffee, so I’ll be signing off now. The weekend is getting so close I can taste it.