So I settled for a burger and a grape snow cone

I’m awake.

The sun is slowly rising. It’s a little gray out there. But according to the weather app, it’s supposed to be, after a little rain, which I’ll doubt we’ll have, sunny and 80° out there today. It’s a perfect day for brunch later on this morning.

I went to bed, and pretty much passed out. I got up sometimes in the night, just to quickly slide back into bed. I have no idea what time it was. It was dark out, I can tell you that much. It was a quick in-and-out. I didn’t even feel Crystal get out of bed. Or her getting in after the fact as well. I was out like a light.

On Friday, Crystal sold another pair of pants! So this morning we’ll be heading up to the post office to ship them out. It’s an international package today, which is pretty cool. Crystal’s designs don’t recognize borders. We’ll get them shipped out this afternoon

Also, after Bruch, we’ll be unveiling some new tye-dye designs. That’s right, we did more yesterday. Crystal had a couple more pants to do, and I found a pair of brand new never worn socks, so for some fun, I did those as she worked on her pants.

We have Chaucer sitting in between us this morning. No kittens snuggled with us this morning. That’s ok, sometimes they have other ideas. it’s all good. We have coffee.

So let’s get the day started! Get your IV of coffee and greet the day with a hearty HELLO!