Hit me with the horns Tony

It’s like god, and the baby jeebus forgot to turn on the lights this morning. It’s a dim, cool, and wet morning here in TinyTown. It’s definitely sweater weather today.

Once again, the weekend flew by, and we’re on the last the day of the weekend. The weekend always goes a lot faster than the week days. So today is a sloth day with one exception – I have to run to the grocery store, because when we went shopping on Saturday, I mentioned that we can have burgers Monday evening, and then we completely forgot to get hamburger buns.

Since it’s so cool, Chaucer is already between us trying to stay warm. I try and tell him that you’re covered in fur, you should be somewhat warm. But he’s not. He has to get in between us to stay warm. On the other hand, Pippin is sitting I front of the open back door, just soaking up the cool morning air.

Other than the grocery run sometime today, there’s nothing really planned. Well that’s a lie, we quickly talked about me playing TotK, and having Crystal nap on the couch. After brunch, of course.

So yeah, it’s a vey crisp, cool day here so far. It’s not supposed to climb too far out of the 60s today. Brr!