Don’t stop me ’cause I’m having a good time, having a good time

Good Monday morning, my friends. It’s a little cooler out there than it has been previous mornings. It’s breezy out there too. According to the app, it’s drizzling out there. Spoiler alert: it’s not drizzling out there. Yet. Maybe it’ll actually rain out there today.

Who knows.

I think I slept like the dead. I don’t remember waking up in the night, or even earlier this morning. The bed was just starting to get a little chilly, when the alarm went off. Might just have to wear actual pants today. Probably not. Our summers are so short here. I’ll probably wear shorts regardless.

Yesterday was a nice day. It was nice and warm, but not OMG it’s so hot out here. It was just a couple of ticks above comfortable weather. Right on the cusp of being hot out. I found it mostly comfortable. Chores went off without a hitch as usual. And today we’ll be heading to SlightlyBiggerTown for some much needed groceries.

I fell asleep last night figuring out if I could pay for gas, lunch, and groceries. I was about to whisper to Crystal, that I could only afford gas and lunch, but I fell asleep. It’ll get figured out. I hate that I can’t afford to take care of everything.

Crystal got a huge HUGE box of thread yesterday courtesy of my grandmother. She went through them all last night. I think she has every colour unter the rainbow, plus sparkly colours too. The pants can continue to be built! The sweat shop lives!

I have Chaucer on my lap this morning. Since it’s a little cooler out, he’s chilly and wants snuggles. Pippin is doing Pippin things. All is well in their worlds. Happy Monday everyone, it’s almost freedom day!