It’s wicked bright and sunny out there. I have Chaucer on my lap. He demanded to get up on my lap as soon as I sat down. He’s toasty warm.
We didn’t do too much yesterday. I did the chores, and sat down and played a couple of hours of Breath of the Wild. I think I found 2, maybe 3 shrines, fought a couple of Guardians. I think I’m trying to buy time before finally making my way to either to the Devine Beasts which scare the life out of me, or to the castle to fight Ganon.
So I’m trying to do some of the side quests and shrine quests. I’m having fun with the game. It’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. I’m really enjoying the open world, and choice of what to do.
I’m sure I’ll play it today.
I don’t plan on getting dressed today.