Awake! I woke up just 4 minutes before the alarm this morning. I suspect that since I have work tomorrow morning, I’ll probably be awake at some ungodly hour. I hope that I’ll sleep all the way. We’ll see.
It’s bright, clear, and warmish out there. Let the melt, and freeze begin. I hope that this is the last major snow fall. I’m starting to get tired of the snow, and the crunch under my feet.
Today is brunch day. I’m going out of my comfort zone, and instead of bacon and eggs, I’m making bacon, and waffles this morning. I bought what we needed on Friday. So later on this morning, I’ll be cooking.
Chaucer wants in my lap, and I don’t want him on it yet. I need to go to the bathroom, and we both need more coffee. Happy Monday everyone.
Oh before I go, I woke up thinking about BotW. Fun times, right?