I can see paradise by the dashboard light

Good morning, party people. It’s dig out day. Surprisingly, the town has plows out clearing the streets this morning. I don’t think I’ve seen or heard plows out on a Sunday before. We’ll be starting to dig out, and chores a little later. I’d like to wake up a little first.

It’s bright clear and sunny out. Big difference from yesterday where it was blowing snow. There’s no wind or very little wind out there. Where the side walk is, just a large large drift. I haven’t been able to look to see how bad the tuck is buried. But we’ll dig that out too.

Yesterday was a total bonus day. We didn’t get dressed, and all we did was play BotW. It was great. I stumbled into new areas, and Crystal did some awesome flying in one area. Twice. Because I asked her to do the exact same thing on my game as she did on hers. She did it with a twist. She Leroy Jenkins an entire area, and came out of it unscathed.

She’s the bestest.

Ok let’s get some coffee, wake up. Let’s kick today in the nuts. Have an awesome Sunday everyone!