Say it ain’t so I will not go turn the lights off carry me home

Well hello there, friends. It’s completely dark outside, and not so bad temperature wise, but not the warmest, you get me?

Yep, we’re up early today, because we’re going on a bit of a road trip to the next province over. Last week my parents invited us to go out. And in an effort to get out of the house a little more, we said yes. Now we’re up at o’dark thirty to get ready.

I has coffee.

If you ever want to sleep until the alarm goes off, so you’re not just laying there waiting for the alarm to go off, is to reset your alarm to go off an hour early.

So let’s get the day started! Everyone do 10 jumping jacks, to get the blood flowing. Happy Saturday my friends! Let’s get out there and kick it in the nuts!