Stop right now thank you very much I need somebody with the human touch

yawn. Good morning my friends. I rolled over at one point, and looked at the clock: 4:20am. I laughed to myself, and tried to get back to sleep. I think for the most part I managed to do that. Then I had to pee. Then the cats thought it would be a good time to wake up. We’ll, Chaucer at least. He stalked around in a circle, mostly around the pillow region.

Until we woke up. Or at least made it known that we were awake. Pippin snuggled us this morning. Chaucer just walked around, and in his own way woke us up.

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. I got a text in the morning from BossLady saying that she’d be in, in about 10 minutes or so. 35 minutes later, she rolled in. It wasn’t too bad. She was leaving early, and said she had a lot to do. She gave me some stuff to do, with the promise of more. She took off around 2ish or so, and dropping a few more items off at my desk. And was gone.

Last night, we had date night. I had gotten a text from my mom saying that she had called the restaurant, and there was going to be a surprise there for Crystal. I thanked her, and then didn’t say a word to Crystal. We had our usual burgers and half a field of fries. Then the cook came out with a piece of pie, two scoops of ice cream and a candle on top. It was a good slice of pie.

Back to work this morning. Should be a good day. Nice short day, then it’s the weekend! Party on Wayne!