And Betty, when you call me, you can call me Al

Well, hello there. we’re awake here in TinyTown. Crystal was up before me. She was way too warm this morning. I was up around 1am to shuffle to the bathroom. On my way back, I shut off the bed. I was a little warm, so I figured that it might be a little better if it was off.

It’s Saturday. All that stands between me and the weekend is a short shifty shift. It shouldn’t be too bad. After work, we’re gonna get into SlightlyBiggerTown to grab some groceries, and probably some weed. Then, the weekend can start.

But right now, we’ll snuggle on the couch. Chaucer is already in between us. His usual spot in the mornings. Pippin will be over soon, she’s just having some breakfast.

Time for a refill on the coffee. I hope all y’all have a great weekend!