Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo

Happy Sunday! It’s a new day out there, I’m told. It doesn’t feel too cold out there, and since it was so warm yesterday, it feels like the snow banks are a little smaller this morning. They might be, but probably not. Just a trick of the eyes, I think.

I woke up once in the night. I was only awake long enough to see what the time was – 5:30. Then I rolled over, and went back to sleep. Out like a light. Then the alarm went off. That’s pretty much the best sleep that I’ve had in a while.

Pippin just jumped up on to my lap, and is snuggling in. Chaucer is wondering around. He just got sick in the litter box. I have to scoop soon anyways. But it was less for me to clean up!

It was a perfect lazy day yesterday. I went out for dinner and came back. We had a really good fish and chips dinner with some mozzarella sticks, and some coconut shramp. It was really good.

Not too much on deck, just the usual Sunday chores. Get some! Oh, and also coffee!