Because one day, I’ll leave you a phantom

Good morning my friends. I wish I could say it was a bright and sunny day out there, but it’s a gray and windy down so far. Maybe it’ll sunny up, but maybe it won’t. We’ll totes see if it decides to do that.

The cats are awake. Of course I woke up about 10 minutes before the alarm was set to go off. So I got up and went to the bathroom, and got back into bed. A couple of seconds later, Pippin jumped up and said good morning. I think at that point, Chaucer was stalking around, waiting for his bowl to be filled.

We’re now on the couch, with Dateline playing on the TV. Chaucer climbed up on Crystal’s lap when she wasn’t playing attention, and is currently snuggled in for the long haul. I just heard Crystal mutter, “when you get up, I’m getting my computer”.

I don’t think Chaucer will be getting up by choice, for a while. He’s comfy, and when he’s comfy, he’s good to sit still for a while. When he lays down he’s down for a minimum of a couple of hours, if left undisturbed.

I slept like the dead. We had a really good day yesterday. We went to SlightlyBiggerTown for groceries, and just a look around. We checked out an antique store, and grabbed some lunch. From there we went to the local drug dealer to pick up some yummy vape cartridges, and went to the second hand store.


Damnit. so we went to another general store type to grab an HDMI (not gold tipped), and then went grocery shopping. As we were driving back to The Flat, I asked if she wanted to go to the lookout high above a lake. She said yes, so we make it back, and put away all the groceries. She grabbed her poi, and we were off again.

Hey, if you want to read the rest, by the rights.