There’s no simple explanation for anything important any of us do

Hello! Guten Morgen, it’s almost the weekend. It’s so close that I can taste it. It tastes like….


It’s a long weekend here because, tomorrow is Canada day. I wonder if the town will do something tomorrow.

It’s bright and sunny outside with a breeze. It’s supposed to be about as warm as it was yesterday. It was very nice.

Got a package in the mail yesterday. It was for my mom, she said to open it. She bought a little internet camera for me and her. It’s very cool, the only thing I’m going to have to do is buy a longer charging cord and “hardwire” it in because the battery only lasts about an hour. She says that now I can watch Pippin while I’m at work.

I have coffee and a kitten so right now, all is right in the world 🙂