Hold your head up, movin’ on, keep your head up, movin’ on

Good morning my friends. It’s o dark thirty here. Dark, cold, and quiet.

Crystal made it back to Florida, after a whirlwind sightseeing tour of west coast airports.

Where as I had chore day, and dinner over at Shady Acres. I cleaned The Flat, and it looks very empty in here again. I started to watch The Expanse yesterday. The final season of it.

Then for some reason, I didn’t want to watch any of the shows that are currently back logged, so I figured that I’d “punish” myself, and started campaign 2 of Critical Role.

But right now, I have some coffee. Crystal crashed about 10pm last night, and I told her that I’d let her sleep, and she can message me when she wakes up.

Happy Monday. Back to the grind tomorrow.