I bet you’ll hear my whistle blowin’ when my train rolls in
It goes – Like dust in the wind

I was not ready for my alarm to go off this morning. Just go back to sleep then, silly. I probably could, but …. I dunno. I’m awake, might as well greet the day.


Coffee is brewing. It’s chore day! Maybe, if I finish all my chores, I’ll take a nap. Who knows. I’m a wild, and crazy guy. It could happen. It might.

Ok, let’s get some coffee in me. Happy Sunday everyone.

Warhammer Monday – the start of the build

Tomorrow is the day. The day I start to build The Triumph of Saint Katherine.

I’m nervous about it. It’ll be the biggest model of my army so far. But like Crystal told me today – just take your time, and read the instructions. Just like with the LEGO.

So that’s what I’m going to do. Step by step. Begin at the beginning.