Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

Good rainy morning everyone. What a change from the last week or so. The alarm went off, and I got up and did the usual getting up routine, and then looked out the window, amass it was gray and rainy out. I pulled all the plants in, they’re soaked. Crystal says they’ll be ok, I hope so, I try not to water the succulents too much, and I actually watered them before going to sleep last night.

It’s been a nice long weekend for me here. Two different holidays, nice hot weather, and I actually went out an did something different yesterday. I went to the weekly flea market. It was weird being around about 75-100 people, and not having a mask on. I got a few things, circled the flea a couple of times, and left. So many people. So many unmasked people.

That made me a little anxious, but I supposed I’ll have to get used to normal again, right?

Ok, the coffee is ready, have a great Monday everyone.

I love you very much.