Happy Canada Day! Bonne fête du Canada!

Awake! I actually rolled over and looked at the clock – 6:44. I thought to myself “sweet, I still have 15 minutes”. I rolled back over, and went back to sleep. It felt like in those 15 minutes, I had slept all night. 2 sleeps, 1 night.

It’s a day off here. A day of celebration, and a day of mourning here. Usually Canada Day is a day of parties and fireworks, and beers. I’m sure that’s how it’ll be for some, but for a lot of people it’ll also be a day of mourning. Over 900 bodies have been found in unmarked graves next to old residential schools.

I’ll be thoughtful of the past, but me, myself, I’m looking forward to the future. The future where Crystal is here with me.

Ok, coffee is ready, and I’m gonna consume some. Happy Thursday everyone 🙂