I heard you on my wireless back in ’52

I slept like the dead last night. I got into bed, and fell right to sleep – the next thing I know, the alarm is going off. My alarm starts out quiet, and slowly gets louder, it freaks me out every time it goes off. I always think that it’s been going for a few minutes, so I’m always surprised when I roll over, and it’s 7am. I’m sure the alarm had only been going off for like 1 or 2 seconds.

Up and atom.

Coffee is brewing, and the plants have been taken outside for their day in the sun. Yesterday, I had to laugh. My provincial app started going off with thunder storm warnings. The first one goes off and I look out the window – sunny and not a cloud in the sky. Then I get a text from my mom saying when I’m ready, just text her and she’ll come down to get me. There’s a storm brewing she says.

Again, not a cloud in the sky.

I continue to watch Netflix for a bit. It’s getting darker and darker outside. I shut off the show I’m watching and decide to hop in the shower. My showers are usually 5-10 minutes. When I get out, the sun is shining, and the ground is soaked. I missed the “thunder storm”.

I ended up not texting my mom and just walking up in the sun.

Ok coffee time. Let’s kick Monday in the nuts.