Put your toes down in the water and a smile across your face and tell me that you love me

Good morning everyone. It’s a gray start to the day here, but according to my weather app, it should be getting sunny – according to the weather app, it should be sunny right now. So we’ll see if it gets sunny shortly.

In some good news, I have little tiny peppers growing! That pretty cool, I think! In a couple of weeks, I’ll have peppers! Woohoo!

Coffee is brewing and I can’t wait for it. I think I slept all the way through without having to get up. That’s a first in a couple of weeks. I did wake up once rolling over, expecting my arm to hurt, but it didn’t really hurt when I raised it up. It’s just a little sore this morning.

Coffee is ready, so I’ll be getting some. Happy Saturday everyone. Have a great day.

Book review – Orange is the New Black

Hello book nerds! This is gonna be a quick review on Orange is the New Black by Piper Kerman. Let’s just say that this book pretty much just shares the name with the tv show.

It’s a 295 page book, that some how got stretched into a 7 season tv show. How they did that, I have no idea. The book basically captures what it’s like to be in prison. Mostly about the spoken and unspoken rules within the walls.

Some basic plot points exist between the two, however, the book is so much more condensed that the show.

It was a very very quick read. Even with only reading an hour or so each night it only took two or three days to finish it.

I already knew the basic ending because I hit that part in the show. I’m only on season 3 but that’s pretty well where the book ends. The book for the most part really feels rushed. Even at the beginning it felt really condensed.

If you like the show, that’s great. But I’d recommend that you read the book before you watch the show.

All in all, the book is simply ok. A good read, but not a stellar one.