Well I’m a gonna raise a fuss, I’m gonna raise a holler

The featured image may or may not be the one that I used yesterday. Oops. Here I am. I was up early, but I forced myself to go back to sleep, until my alarm went off.

Yes, on my day off my alarm was still set.

I don’t know how to shut it off.

Analog clock Radios, amirite?

The coffee is brewing, and I have chores to do today. Laundry, put away some dishes, dusting, and I should clean the bathroom today as well. That should take a total of about 15-30 minutes. But I’ll get it done. My dad may or may not be coming over to help hang some art. We’ll see about that. I haven’t received any confirmation about that.

Other than chores, it’ll be a nice day off. Gonna watch some movies, then head over to Shady Acres for dinner later on in the afternoon.

Ok, coffee time. Let’s do this!

Yeah, I just wanna take you home

All the chores are done. Lunch has been consumed. And all the art has been put up. I’m on movie number 3. Maybe you can guess the movie?

Anyway, here’s the art. Enjoy the decal. It’s annoying, but it makes Crystal laugh. Like when I say assless chaps.

I spent a few summers here.
I got the anchor for Crystal.
The paintings name is “Solitude”.