Shed a tear cause I’m missing you

It’s almost Pre-Friyay! If this were the Superb Owl, legally we’d have to start pre-gaming right now. Unfortunately, we can’t pre-game that it’s almost Friday.

But if we were allowed too….

The coffee is almost all ready for me to consume it’s life force. Thus making me strong and more powerful. For at least 10-15 minutes after consumption.

I can’t really think of anything else to talk about. Work is going pretty good. It’s like a mini vacation since BossLady is out of the province for the rest of the week. I’m moving a lot of stuff around. I think we’ve moved around at least 1/3 of the shop. It looks a lot better, and less cramped.

Gonna suck back some coffee. Happy almost pre-Friyay!

Here I go again on my own

It’s kind of quiet here today. Yesterday, we (mostly me) moved a lot of furniture around and refreshed the art on the walls. I don’t know if NewGirl knows what to do if there’s no customer orders or anything like that. For the last two days all she’s done is follow me around.

I told her this morning that I wasn’t going to talk to her for an hour so she could make the phone calls she was supposed to do yesterday. But she was busy following me around. So I sat down to pull some discontinued fabrics. After an hour, I was just about done. She came and stood over me as I was working.

I finished as fast as I could and got out of there. If you don’t know what to do, find something to do. There’s a lot of shit in here that needs to be priced. Something, anything. Please just stop watching what I’m doing!

I’m still getting used to working with people. My last job it was me. I was responsible for pulling and getting special orders for stores. In a certain time limit. I still struggle with actually communicating in this job. But I’ll get better at it. I hope. I struggle with communication in general.

But I am trying.

Anyways, here’s what I styled and put together yesterday. Mostly with minimal help from NewGirl.

Behold, my excellence. I should be on HGTV or something!

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel a little better now. Sometimes working with others steals most of my spoons.

Also, no letter from the consulate today. Maybe tomorrow.