Because the drugs never work – they’re gonna give you a smirk

Good morning, happy Wednesday. It’s the middle of the week. I just woke up, all I want to do is go back to sleep. I had a good solid sleep. I remember being more tossy turny last night than I’ve been the last few nights. It’s ok, it was a pretty good sleep, all things considered.

The BossLady liked Crystal’s inventory management idea, and I was given a high five for it. I get to transfer everything over to the new system. It’s fun building something from the ground up. And it looks so much more professional. It looks grown up.

I’ll work on it a little each day, and it’s gonna be awesome.

I need coffee. I now have coffee.

Time to greet the day. Enjoy your Wednesday everyone.

Where’s your reading nook?

What’s your favourite place to read? Your Fortress of Solitude? Do you hid in the bathroom to read to get away from your kids? In the bathtub after a hard days work? Where’s your book nook?

Me? I’m a simple guy. I like to lay on my bed. That’s my Fortress of Solitude. I’m left alone when I’m in my room. When I’m in my room, I’m surrounded by friends. My friends are my books. Crystal is in my room too. There’s pictures of her all over the walls there. I’m not alone when I’m in my room.

I do all of my reading in there. It’s quiet and for the most part mine.

It makes me happy in there.