That’s just one small fraction of the main attraction

It’s gonna be one of those days I think. The older I get, the less I want people to talk to me right after I wake up. Just say morning, and let me be. I slept all through the night. It wasn’t the best of sleeps, but it was better than the night before. Every time a bad dream started, my subconscious simply said no, and for a second I woke up, and rolled over and fell back asleep. I did have a strange dream where I worked on one of those televised car shows. That was interesting to say the least. They made fun of me a lot.

But, don’t expect to have a conversation with me as I’m making my coffee. It won’t happen. Like ever. I am not a morning person.

I think today, I’m gonna sit down with Netflix, and watch Twilight. We’ll see though. I haven’t decided yet. Let me just get through that first cup of coffee, and we’ll go from there.

There’s a fire in my heart and you fan it, Janet

There. I feel a little better. I had a panicked though; do I have the Rocky Horror soundtrack? A quick check, and I do. Phew.

Shady Acres went down for a nap, I went for a walk.

Time Warp – as loud as possible.

Doing the dance where no one could see me. Made me smile and happy. And sad that Crystal wasn’t here, laughing at me doing the dance.

So now, I’m just a little homesick. But still in a better mood than 30 minutes ago.

And it’s totally possible, that I’m the first person in TinyTown to walk down Main St, listening to the soundtrack. I surprised myself knowing almost all the words to the songs.

I rag on Rocky Horror for being the worst movie with the best soundtrack, but I’d give up everything I have to watch it with her this afternoon, curled up on the couch with the kitties.

Dr Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky!