Happy 4th

Happy 4th of July from the Great White North. I was figuring that I’d be doing yard work with my dad today. I slept in, and got up about a half hour later than I usually do. There were storms again last night, with something called “sheet lightning”. I woke up at one point, and thought my parents ran a speakeasy. All I could see what the strobe light effect of the lightning.

Anyways, up at 8am, fully coffee’do by 8:30. I’m. The. Only. One. Awake. Finally by around 10am, dads up. It’s now 1:11, and Shady Acres is all asleep. I have a feeling, that about an hour before dinner, I’ll be out with the Roundup, killing weeds.

Shady Acres is late to rise, and early to bed, by 8:30 they’ll all be asleep. I’m going to find a different place to sit and talk with Crystal, so my allergies don’t kill me. I miss the fireworks, but I miss being with her way more. I can’t wait to talk to her on the phone tonight.

I love her sofa king much. I can’t wait to celebrate Canada Day with her next year. TOGETHER.