


Hello, my beautiful lover!

Right after I finish one letter, I start the next one, I am a glutton for punishment. Haha. In seriousness, it does help to pass the time. It helps calm my mind as well. I do apologise if the letters are so random and all over the place. I do think my mind is still processing that Owen is leaving in a couple of days. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. Probaby write even more. And for that, I apologise.

I miss you so much. I miss doing everything with you, cooking, joking around. The S-E-X. I miss your touch, your smile.

But this hopefully will be a happy letter. Everyone is pacing here, waiting for dinner. Fresh Favorites just left. That’s like commasary but for fresh food. Poland got a bacon double cheeseburger. I can smell the bacon. 30ish more days and I can have one. 60-90 days and we can have one together!

Dinner was ok. Luke warm chicken and cold rice. Don’t get me wrong, the chicken was good, but I could have ate (eaten?) 3 or 4 more pieces. I’ll have some ramen after I chat with you tonight. I’ll give this place 1 thing: their cakes and “cookies” (which are just cakes) are really good.

I just checked my account, the stamps refunded again. Ugh! So frustrating. I think I’ll can ask the councellors for stamps. I’ll see what I can do later today. I’m cautiously optimistic about haircuts in about 45 minutes. Lemme tell you, it took longer than 45 minutes, but I got my hair did! It came out almost right. But I’ll notice things that the barber didn’t just cause I’ve been shaving my head and face longer. I look pretty good though! Now it’s about 40 minutes until lunch. After lunch I can go and shower. I loves you!

Showered, napped, and ready for something! Ha BRB, I’m gonna make some ramen, I’m peckish. Hey, I’m back. I’m missing you a lot. But it is what it is, and soon we’ll be together again. And, you’ll have your cake and cupcake side hustle called “HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO”. It’s a rough name, it just came up with it. We can work on it. Or how about “Snack Attack, MFer!”?

I hope that you’ll like Canada. It’s been so long, I hope I like Canada. But it doesn’t matter, because “HOME IS WHERE YOU ARE”. And that’s all that matters to me. I got brought in for my corona virus screening. 10 yes or no questions. If I was an angry man, I could’ve answered yes to a few of them, but I didn’t. The snippets that I can here are that it’s crazy out there.

And with a quick check of his commasary balance, Owen flies out in the next 24 hours.1 Sigh. I’m happy for him. I am. And a little sad for me. But now I don’t have to feel bad about snoring or having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. The next couple of weeks hopefully will go quickly. I think I’m just a little I’m going a little stir crazy.

I found a couple of books I haven’t read yet. So got a small pile under my bed. I miss you a lot baby. A lot. Kisses.

And for the first time in a while, I don’t think I have anything to write about. Not in a sad mood, just down a little.

I’ll write again soon baby.
I love you so much!


1 any money in a detainee’s commissary account is refunded to them about 24 hours before they are scheduled to be removed and sent to their home country.