It's been a busy day here at Shady Acres. My parents went on a 10-12 hour round road trip to get a part for my dads work truck, so it's just me and my gramma holding down the fort today.
I got up at my normal time, and made some coffee to get through the am. I chatted a bit with my editor, as I waited for gramma to get up. She did, so I started cleaning. I've always been good at cleaning other people's stuff, so I started with some sweeping and then the vacuuming.

That's a pretty good representation of Shady Acres, minus the fog. But not really. So after the vacuuming, I swept the kitchen floor, then steam cleaned the kitchen floor. Quickly used scrubbing bubbles on the shower, then called it done. Like the cooking here it was a lot easier when my mom isn't here. Before she left, I got a good 10 minute instruction on how to vacuum.
I've owned at least 4 or 5 vacuums in my life, I think that I can figure out a Mr. Fancypants Dyson vacuum. It was the same when I was making homemade noodles the night before. I believe I'd rather cook when they're all on their afternoon nap. By myself. No helicopter instruction. I think she's just done this by herself for probably 30 years, it's hard to give up the control.
But the house is a little cleaner than it was this morning, so I feel accomplished that it's done. By my calculations, the rents should be home around 5 or 6. Then babysitting my gramma will be done. Not that I've really done any babysitting. At 89 she's still pretty self-sufficient, just a little wobbly, and riddled with arthritis.
Not a bad day. Not a bad day, indeed.
She’s not spry, but she’s got some life in her yet!