And that’s where the hornet stung me

Awake. Yesterday, we had a high of 2 or 3c. Today, right now, it’s freaking cold out. And it snow about 2 or 4 inches between yesterday afternoon and last night.



Yesterday, it was wicked slow, so I decided to be an adult and call about a 1 bedroom suite available in town. I think I talked to her for about 15 minutes and she asked when I wanted to move in. I replied probably the end of March, 1st of April. Today I’ll text her and see if I can do a quick walk through. I told my mom and showed her pictures.

The. I remembered. The bed. I quickly texted the landlord and asked for measurements of the bedroom. The bed will fit.

Hopefully Monday, the house paperwork will arrive. It’s on its way, that’s about all I know. I have to inform our realtor when I get it, and inform her when it’s mailed out. I hope hope hope it comes in Monday.

I’m gonna try this afternoon, to try and relax, and to read for a couple of hours. We’ll see if I can. But tonight is date night. I’m very excited for that.