Maybe someday the mountain will get them – but the law never will

Happy Tuesday, my lovelies. I was up a little early – 5:47 thinking I slept through my alarm. When I determined that I hadn’t, I rolled over and went back to sleep until my alarm scared me awake. But like my dad said yesterday, “I woke up on the right side of the dirt, I’m doing something right.”

Yesterday was a good day. A good day, but a really long day. 5 hours of travel time in a truck with my family is a long time. We were joking around and I said I’d just watch a movie, I was put up front and my grandmother in the back, so the movie went out the window, and I chit chatted with my dad on the way down.

When we got to BigCity, we went to the mall so my mom could have some jewellery inspected for insurance, I shopped a little, found a book and got a Chromecast. Now, once it’s set up, I don’t have to watch Netflix on my phone I can watch it on an actual TV.

From there it was a trip to a craft shop for my mom, and then a bookstore for me. After a quick 5ish minutes standing in line outside, I was in. At first I was really overwhelmed. But after a minute or two, I found my groove. 45 minutes later, I found a stack of books (see my last post), and left. A quick stop at Home Depot for some light bulbs, and we were on our way home.

After a quick dinner, video chatted with Crystal until it was time for her to shower. We texted back and forth until it was time for bed.

And now, here I am! With coffee. Today, we should be cleaning the warehouse out. A warehouse with no heat. It shouldn’t take too long, and we’ll be back in the shop. I’ll probably be working on the inventory system. Fun fun! Have a great Tuesday you guys!